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Private Lessons with Ms. Arianna F.

30 min. 45 min. 60 min. 30 min. trial lesson (Regular Price)
1/week, billed monthly
Voice (ages 5+)

Ms. Arianna F.

Background:  Ms. Arianna is a second-year graduate assistant at Cleveland State University studying for her Masters in Music, with a concentration on Vocal Performance. She specializes in early music, such as Ancient Chant and Baroque Music, but also has experience teaching and singing musical theater and contemporary music. Arianna has over ten years of experience studying and working professionally as a soloist, cantor, and director of choirs in church services and concerts singing chant, solo music, and polyphony. After years of being a vocal coach in her own private studio, she began teaching at Avon School of Music in April of 2023. Currently, Arianna sings with the Blossom Festival Chorus and Cleveland Orchestra Chorus. In addition to her career in music, Arianna is a critical care nurse at the Cleveland Clinic.  She has been teaching voice for over 5 years.

From Ms. Arianna:  “My first goal for my students is to help and guide them in finding their own unique voice. I will help my students gain awareness of their voice and body as an instrument, become comfortable with efficient vocal production associated with both classical and contemporary styles of singing and increase their knowledge of vocal repertoire and basic music theory. Students will also learn individual practice skills and successful performance strategies.“

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